



  • 愛爾蘭獨立運動:愛國者遊戲 Patriot Games,1992
  • 致命突擊隊 The Devil's Own, 1997
  • 蘇格蘭獨立運動:英雄本色 Brave heart, 1995
  • 時空英豪, Highlander, 1986


Public Libraries and Museums Act 1964 [英國公共圖書館與博物館法,1964] 第七條 General duty of library authorities [圖書館的責任]指出:

(1) It shall be the duty of every library authority to provide a comprehensive and efficient library service for all persons desiring to make use thereof, . . .
圖書館當局的責任是,為需要的民眾提供完整及有效的圖書館服務 ...
Provided that although a library authority shall have power to make facilities for the borrowing of books and other materials available to any persons it shall not by virtue of this subsection be under a duty to make such facilities available to persons other than those whose residence or place of work is within the library area of the authority or who are undergoing full-time education within that area.
(2)In fulfilling its duty under the preceding subsection, a library authority shall in particular have regard to the desirability—

為了完成前項的責任,圖書館當局必須 -

(a)of securing, by the keeping of adequate stocks, by arrangements with other library authorities, and by any other appropriate means, that facilities are available for the borrowing of, or reference to, books and other printed matter, and pictures, gramophone records, films and other materials, sufficient in number, range and quality to meet the general requirements and any special requirements both of adults and children; and

(b)of encouraging both adults and children to make full use of the library service, and of providing advice as to its use and of making available such bibliographical and other information as may be required by persons using it; and

(c)of securing, in relation to any matter concerning the functions both of the library authority as such and any other authority whose functions are exercisable within the library area, that there is full co-operation between the persons engaged in carrying out those functions.



  • 給社區更多權力(在地化及委任化)
  • 鼓勵人民在社區擔任主動的角色(志工化)
  • 將中央政府的權力轉移到地方政府
  • 支持合作、互助、慈善及社會性的企業
  • 出版政府資料(開放/透明的政府)



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